After a disadvantaged life with patterns of behaviours that were self sabotaging, learned strategies of coping and managing stresses and traumas, ill chosen choices that were detrimental to my life, health and family, that led to depression, self loathing and despair. A realisation of another divorce, single parent, poor and uneducated, another statistic.
Then a chance meeting with a wonderful being changed my life forever. A new beginning in the direction of holistic therapy, having come from a long line of African healers and natropaths, perhaps you could call it destiny.
Further discover led me to learning and experiencing the mind body connection, uncovering and healing my own traumas and engaging with life again, which leads me to assist empowering my clients with self healing and their own journey back to health and wellness. Education is key for my clients for healthier life choices by engaging with Rife, EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, META Consciousness and an array of other modalities and tools that are bespoke for each individual.
As a personal belief, when you invoke passion then Magic happens. If I can change my life and my health, my relationships, so can you!
Laura's fee for an individual session is £90 or you can purchase 5 sessions for £400 (saving £50).