
Enriching Practitioner Skills – Webinar Series

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Enriching Practitioner Skills – Webinar Series

December 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016



Enriching Practitioner Skills:

Everything they never taught you in certification! 12 webinars to help you feel more confident in your professional holistic health practice. 

Join mind-body health expert, Penny Croal, on a 12 webinar series of interviews with experienced practitioners to help de-mystify the ethics and challenges that may arise in your practice. These are the things they didn’t have time to teach you during certification, the things that you only learn on the job. From working with children, to attending to your own self-care, from creating realistic expectations for your clients, to how to navigate mental health issues, cultural differences, and “the miracle question.” This series will give you the insight and advice you need to handle your practice with grace and professionalism. Learn and interact live from the comfort of your home during the live webinar, or re-visit at your own convenience.
Once purchased, you will have access to the recordings of the sessions for life to review when a specific issue comes up in your practice. Become the best practitioner you can be, by learning from the people who have been there and seen it all in this interactive series.

Lorraine Debnam

The Human Givens Approach: Helping You as a Practitioner Set Realistic Client Expectations and Establish Rapport Based on Brain Science

The Human Givens concepts helps you to understand how the freeze, flight/fright mechanisms work in our brains, and how important to know where your client is in that process, as well as being able to recognize your own reactions during the work.

About Lorraine Debnam



12079245_1493573587609149_485861705008478662_nWendy Lydford

Handling Confidentiality, Projection, Transference, Attachment to Outcome, Practitioner’s Responsibilities, and Client Safety

This webinar is about keeping clients safe and client confidentiality. We will discuss when it might be necessary to breach confidentiality and how to go about doing this. We will examine real case scenarios involving safeguarding in relation to child protection, vulnerable adults, suicide and domestic violence. The aim of this Webinar is to enable the therapist to feel confident to discuss any concerns with a client by adopting safeguarding protocols into their practice, thus enabling them to deal with any issues that may arise.

About Wendy Lydford

susieSusie Shelmerdine

How to Create and Build a Successful and Ethical Practice

Discover how you can create and build an ethical practice that has you authentically connecting to your clients. You will be given direction on what’s required legally from you as your role as a practitioner / business owner and how you can easily implement these requirements.

About Susie Shelmerdine



Lorraine Debnam

We Have Parts – Understanding the limits & uses of EFT and Matrix with Multi-Complex Mental Health

We like to think EFT and Matrix can deal with all the issues we are ever presented with, and maybe it can, but sometimes the issues are incredibly complex. Understanding the complexities can help us avoid ‘presuming’ or worse, re-traumatising our clients. Learn about how to navigate clients with multi-complex mental health issues (like Dissociated Identity Disorder) in this webinar, to keep yourself and your client safe.

About Lorraine Debnam



PujaKanthAlfred2Puja Kanth Alfred, MA 

Cross Cultural Awareness and Competence  

As professionals we work with clients from diverse cultural settings. Culture and religion play an important role in the development and perpetuation of problems while language helps in the healing process. Awareness of cross-cultural variables and sensitivity to sociocultural context can enable us to customize the EFT process according to the unique needs of the client.

About Puja Kanth Alfred


“EFT concepts illustrated” EBook

Janice Thompson, MSc.

Working with Grief, Depression & Anxiety and the Significance of Their Interrelationship

This webinar addresses the importance of understanding clients who are struggling with grief, depression and anxiety. We will look at how these aspects can be interlinked and how to recognise and differentiate between them.  We will explore the significance of their aetiology and most crucially learn how best to help those suffering.

About Janice Thompson



imageAmanda Maney, MA Cantab, PGCE

“Clean” Listening: Enhancing Client-Centered Exploration

“Clean” listening enables us to focus solely on our client’s world; keeping our own content out of the way, we manage our own reactions and expand awareness of the “other”; we explore their landscape with all its richness and complexity, free of our own “stuff”. This allows vital insights to be made and ensures that the client maintains autonomy over their own healing process.

About Amanda Maney

rachelRachel Watson

Wellbeing at Work & Practitioner Self Care: An Introduction to Keeping Work Fun and Sustainable

An introduction into how to keep work fun and sustainable, retaining high energy and building resources to enable you to work at your optimum, whilst enjoying ALL of your life. Once you are full-time in your practice it is so easy to lose self-care – start good habits early!

About Rachel Watson

Penny Croal Change Ahead Health Practitioner UKBONUS with Penny Croal


This workshop will help you find the root cause of all dis-ease and pattern behaviours in an efficient and specific way, saving your clients ££  and yourself hours of hunting for root causes. It has 10 main principles and redefines our understanding of health, dis-ease, healing and personal development. With a science based on empirical evidence from over 30 years of BRAIN CT SCAN and research.



imagesDawn Cretney, BA Youth & Community Ed

Working with Children and Young People: Considerations for private practice and undertaking commissioned work, including Safeguarding, confidentiality and reporting concerns

About Dawn Cretney



Sunita PattaniSunita Pattani

Understanding Binge Eating and Body image: Essential Factors that Practitioners Need to Know When Working with Binge-eaters and Weight Issues.

This webinar outlines the essential factors that a practitioner needs to understand when working with binge-eaters and weight issues. It covers the following points:

  • Challenges that Practitioners are faced with
  • The difference between binge eaters and overeaters
  • When weight-loss as a focus can be detrimental to a person’s progress
  • The Eating Spectrum
  • The science: research that highlights essential findings that need to be considered when working with clients in this area
  • What to consider when putting a therapy plan into place
About Sunita Pattani

Lorraine Debnam

Using a Solution Focused Approach to Clients, their ECHO’s and Responding to The Miracle Question

Solution Focused Brief Therapy is not brief because it is short term work, it’s brief because it cuts out a lot of the unnecessary psychobabble that often gets clients hooked on us as the ‘experts’ and keeps us out of difficult attachments with clients. Using SF with clients and especially the Miracle question with clients and their echo’s, can be more than revealing.

About Lorraine Debnam




Keep all webinars for life and watch anytime from the comfort of your own home!

Don’t Miss Out! Only £125 for 12+ hours of training.


December 1, 2016
December 31, 2016
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12 Webinars