Have a question? Browse our frequently asked questions below. If you don’t find your answer, please contact me.
Yes, many people do not know exactly what the issue is. If they had they probably would have fixed it themselves, sometimes detective work is needed and we need to work together to understand the root cause of your problem and how best to proceed. The body has a process of how it works and therefore we will use various techniques to find out how best it is for you to bring the greatest relief and to…
No, definitely not! I am not a medical doctor, nor am I “ a healer” I am a practitioner and offer you a guide with the excellent tools I have, to an agreed point of where you wish to be, whether it is in mind, body or spirit. Do remember the body does not respond in linear terms and it is important that sometimes we work from outside in.
Everyone is different, unfortunately there is no specific amount of sessions for you personally. Together we will work out what is best for you the client, compared to conventional methods, this is much gentler and efficient process. It can be frustrating which is understandable, however there is no magic one hit wonder. Change Ahead will look at your symptoms, suffering, environment, diet, behaviour and work with you to release these. You will be doing the work, we at Change Ahead will be walking beside you.
I will not take anything away from you, we work together and then I can teach you tools to use when you are on your own.
Yes, depending on what your issue is, I am not a healer, I am a facilitator of excellent psychological energy tools. You will have to work as well, change is much easier than you think and the first step is that you have realized you have a problem and are willing to work with someone to release it. It is not enough that you just want to change you have to do something about it, this can be challenging for your unconscious as it has been programmed to create strategies in order to protect you, however these strategies that were once a solution now have become the problem. Therefore it is essential to create safety for your unconscious.
You will be asked some simple questions following on from the consultation and we will discuss what your ultimate goal is. At times you will be asked how you feel and to occasionally do silly things like pretend that the pain is a colour and has a texture, I will explain everything before hand to make it as comfortable, easy and fun for you as possible. Each client is different and unique, therefore there is no one rule that fits all. Change Ahead will meet you in each session where you are and where you wish to go.
You will be asked some simple questions about what you want the outcome to be and a general medical history, alongside a timeline, sometime I will ask you to do some home work before you see me but we can discuss this at the consultation. Any information take is held in the strictest confidence. Payment is required before any work starts unless special arrangements have been made to pay on the day.
Fantastic! The treatments I offer often work where nothing else will. However there is no guarantee.
YOU can, however navigating your own emotions and stresses can be at best, tricky, and at worst more confusing and frustrating and disturbing. Usually when working with someone else, they can guide you and assist in pinpointing key elements of your problem from an emotional neutral standpoint. This makes the critical difference in your progress. In addition my specialist experience adds a whole new dimension.
It depends, at initial consultation we will agree specifically what work is to be done and how far that will take you. Depending on specifics, multiple stressors may or may not be connected. With the techniques I use there can be a generalization effect, and successful treatment of one major stressor may resolve others too. Please do Call me for advice. First 20 minutes of consultation are free. The key element is not to overwhelm your system.
Not normally, it is my aim to make this as gentle as possible for you, this is why I have chosen the specific techniques that I use. If we have to go to that particular event that caused you the suffering, it will be an efficient and very gentle where you will not have to associate and will bring you to greater relief, it is not uncommon that we will have to do this and many times we will visit other memories to find a belief that is holding you in your suffering that you may have dismissed as an adult. Please know that I only do this if it is absolutely necessary to gain maximum relief and benefit to you the client. The techniques I use are NOT “talk therapies” Call me for free advice.
Honesty from me regarding your suitability to work with me and the treatment, it is also critical that you trust and are comfortable working with me. We will discuss what needs to be addressed and we will go through strategies to be used and I will answer all your questions. We will fill in together registration details that are kept confidential.
The techniques such as EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Meta Consciousness are not placebo tools, it does not matter that you do not believe in them. Although more scientific research is being shown constantly. What is of key importance is that YOU want to change for the better and not because someone else thinks you should. It can be challenging to step back into the authentic self when we have no idea what that actually means.
Most phobias, anxieties etc have been with people since they were children so yes, however if they are being triggered in your life, you may have to be open to looking at not just your mind, but the connection between your environment, your social habits and your spirit to change all of them.
Absolutely not.
No I will guide you how to heal your own stressors in an achievable way for you. You are unique with your own unconscious processes. No one needs fixed, my philosophy is that the body is simply screaming at us in order to survive, however we have been so domesticated that we get stuck in negative patterns or chronic dis-ease, and the key is to undomesticate your unconscious. Peeling of onion layers of stress, conditioning and conflicts/traumas whether perceived or actual in your life.
Unfortunately i cannot commit to travelling any more, however one of my associates may be able to. Over the last decade where we are becoming more technologically advanced, i have found that zoom, skype and telephone work just as well. These methods can prove invaluable, as you can have the anonominity if you wish and comfort of your own home. I have conducted very effective sessions with people as far away as Afghanistan and Hong Kong, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia.
Zoom or Skype or telephone
One off sessions can be booked for £450, however to truly invite you to a self healing empowerment, 5 sessions are strongly suggested for £1750, or 10 sessions for £3000.
Depending again on what is the nature of the problem 60 minutes to 90 minutes long, this will be agreed in initial free consultation.
It is free for 20 minutes.
Please see Change Ahead Terms & Conditions.
To become an EFTi Practitioner Level 1&2, please click here
To become an EFTi Practitioner Level 3, please click here
To become a META-Consciousness Practitioner, please click here
For META-Consciousness Practitioner Standards, please click here
To become a Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, please click here
To complete a personal timeline before your first session, please view that following video: Personal timeline

Remember this is a journey for both of us to partake, the inner spiritual and self healing will be undertaken by yourself. View the Change Ahead Code of Conduct here.
As a therapist, coach, or a career professional, Dr, nurse or laymen, you already have the credentials and expertise you need to benefit from this programme you are a human being.
We welcome all as long as you are curious regarding the human body.
What is equally important to your education and certifications is that you are actively committed to showing up to do the work as a member of our community. It is recommended that you have some basic energy training such as EFT/NLP/MATRIX/MAP or some kind of grounding technique.
For the analysis programme, it is recommended that you have some kind of energy training so that you can hold the client in a safe space.
IMCA is self accredited with a rigorous testing and energy procedure.
We meet 2 days a week, you need to attend 80% of these live training in person. After each module there is a quiz to make sure that you we are all on the same page and help us integrate the learnings.
21 is the maximum amount of people at any one time.
The analysis is exactly that. How to find the root cause of any dis-ease/symptom. Then to become a fully certified metacologist will entail a deep dive into actual modalities of grounding, polyvagal, breathwork, tapping, soul sequencing, compassion, grief work and much more.
Unfortunately no, as we at IMCA think it is important that we start off energetically at the same starting point. If you cannot attend the first week’s trainings, that is understandable, however you will be able to catch up for the second week.
Within one week of payment, if you are unhappy then you can request a refund minus a £150 admin fee. After this time, there is a non refundable policy.
Yes we do.
3 payments at £833.33, £2500 in full or the early bird offer is £2200.